Pigs are the third most commonly consumed animal in the United Kingdom. Pig farming is typically separated into grower pigs which are raised for their flesh and sow pigs which are repeatedly impregnated to birth grower pigs.

Living Conditions

Almost all pigs are raised on factory farms

Age at Death

Almost all pigs are killed between 4-6 months old

Grower pigs

4-6 months

Breeding pigs

3-5 years


Natural life expectancy

Method of Death

Most pigs are put into gas chambers and then their throats are cut

Farming Practices

Farrowing Crates

Mother pigs are put into small individual cages for six weeks at a time while giving birth

In British farming

Piglet Thumping

Piglets deemed weak or unprofitable are inflicted with blunt force trauma until they are dead

In British farming

Early Death

Pigs die before making it to slaughter due to the low welfare conditions they are raised in

In British farming


Artificial Insemination

Mother pigs are forcibly impregnated with tubes containing semen that are pushed into the cervix

In British farming

Tail Mutilations

Piglets tails are removed to prevent injuries that arise due to the low welfare conditions they are raised in

In British farming

Tooth Mutilations

Pigs teeth are clipped or ground to prevent injuries that arise due to the low welfare conditions they are raised in

In British farming

Genital Mutilations

Male pigs are castrated to make the taste of their flesh more desirable

In British farming

Ear Mutilations

Piglets ears are tagged or tattooed as a method of identification

In British farming

Repeated Pregnancy Cycles

Mother pigs are repeatedly impregnated and killed once their piglet production declines

In British farming


Indoor Rearing

After weaning pigs spend their entire lives indoors to be fattened for slaughter

In British farming


Unsuitable Transport

Pigs are transported during hot temperatures that are known to cause distress and suffering

In British farming

Common during summer

Ineffective Stunning

Pigs stunned using electronarcosis regain consciousness after their first stunning

In British farming

Painful Deaths

Pigs are killed using high carbon dioxide concentrations that are known to cause pain, fear and distress

In British farming

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